
Never Back Down - DVD Review

This review will be published in the best selling UK DVD publication; DVD & Blu Ray Review. Available in shops from 16th October:

What Never Back Down wanted to achieve was a watered down Fight Club for adolescents, basically a film with nothing other than the adrenaline pumping fighting scenes. Although instead of being Tyler’s days at school this is instead Fight Club without any originality, political significance, or any skilled filmmaking whatsoever. Apparently all ‘cool’ American adolescents should fight each other to gain respect and win over women. With a constant plugging of happy slapping on computer screens and mobile phones the filmmakers insultingly seem to think they are being culturally observant and appealing to today’s youth culture, they couldn’t be anymore deluded.

Filled to the brim with offensive messages the whole film rests on its stylised fighting scenes. However Jeff Wadlow’s direction of such set-pieces distinctly lacks any real punch or intensity that a BluRay disc could never salvage.

All the characters just have no real likeability. Ryan McCarthy (Cam Gigandet) has no reason to be evil and beat up innocent people. With Jake Tyler (Sean Farris) so determined to win such an idiot’s respect there is no way anyone can empathise.

Overall, Never Back Down is just overloaded testosterone filled rubbish that none of the self indulgent special features can disguise, no matter how hard they try. With a constant focus placed on the greased up half naked male leads over any real resonance, the only thing going for this film is its pro gay rights subtext.

Movie ** Extras **

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